Depyeti Squatch
While Author Angela Goodman’s husband was a School Resource Officer, he noticed the funny way that the kindergarteners pronounced his name, “Deputy Doug.” It sounded like they were saying “Dep-yeti.” He built a 7-foot tall model of Depyeti Squatch in their dining room, using scrap metal, spray foam, Halloween wigs, and an extra-extra-large uniform he found in the County storage. Depyeti Squatch was supposed to make his public debut for a trunk-or-treat event in 2020, but never made out it due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Angela decided to write about Depyeti Squatch to keep the idea alive, and that is how the story of Depyeti Squatch came about. Depyeti Squatch currently resides in the Goodman family’s North Idaho barn, alongside their goats and chickens. He is frequently visited by their four children and 2 grandchildren.